Our Team
Professor Stephen Cushion
Stephen is PI on the project and Professor at the Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Culture at Cardiff University. His research focuses on political communication and journalism studies, particularly topics related to election reporting, the mediatisation of politics, and the impact of 24-hour news culture, and issues on journalistic balance. He has written and published widely on issues related to news, politics and journalism, and is currently a PI on four research projects that total more than £1.2m. You can read more about his projects here, and find him on Twitter @Stephen_Cushion.
Dr Marina Morani
Marina is a media and communication researcher with a doctoral degree from Cardiff School of Journalism. Her research interests range from media representations of diversity, migration and displacement, digital citizenship and citizenship rights advocacy discourses, to the mediatisation of political discourse. Marina has worked on several research projects commissioned by leading organisations including BBC Trust, Ofcom, and UNHCR. You can find her on Twitter @mari_morani.
Dr Maria Kyriakidou
Maria is Co-I on the project and Senior Lecturer at the School of Journalism, Media and Culture at Cardiff University. Her research engages with the relationship between media and globalisation, with a particular focus on the mediation of distant suffering and global crises. She has published work on audience engagement with distant disasters, the mediation of the Euro crisis, and global media events. She is the vice-chair of the Temporary Working Group on the Ethics of Mediated Suffering. You can find her on Twitter @maria_kyriakid.
Dr Ceri Hughes
Ceri is a political communication scholar with a PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has published work on his three central research themes: the study of smaller political parties and their media representation; the use of religious rhetoric in politics; and contentious communication and its impact on civic life. You can find him on Twitter at @acerihughes and read more about his work on his website.